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Vtisi srečanj v okviru projekta Comenius

Pripravila Katja Kustec. Zadnja sprememba dne 5. 5. 2013.

Naša šola je v šolskem letu 2012/13 začela dvoletni Comenius projekt z naslovom "Države in zgodbe". V projekt so poleg naše šole vključene še šole iz Slovaške, Poljske, Nemčije, Španije, Finske, Turčije in Madžarske. V projektu se bomo ukvarjali s slovenskimi zgodbami in njihovimi junaki.



"Mahnimo jo na pot"

marec 2013

Mobilnost na Madžarskem: 17.–23. 3. 2013

V nedeljo, 17. 3. 2013, ob enajsti uri smo se odpravile na pot: Staša, Niki, učiteljica Melita, Mateja, Vesna in jaz. Zjutraj pred šolo smo se poslovile od svojih najdražjih, naložile kovčke v kombi, nato pa se odpravile na pot v Nyiracsad.
Pot je bila precej dolga, saj smo se peljali nekje okrog šest ur. Seveda pa pot ni bila dolgočasna, saj je bila na kombiju vesela družba in prijetno vzdušje. Pa smeha tudi ni bilo preveč. Med potjo smo si prav tako lahko ogledali lepote Madžarske. Še posebej pri nas, učenkah, je bila nestrpnost velika, saj se nismo morale učakati prihoda v Nyiracsad. Najprej smo v Debrecenu odložili učiteljice, nato pa se še slabih štirideset minut peljali do našega cilja. Naenkrat pa smo učenke zagledale dolgo pričakovan Nyiracsad. Tam so nas že tudi čakale naše družine gostiteljice. Midve s Stašo sva stanovali pri družini Terdik. Tisti večer sva se najprej družini predstavile, razpakirale stvari in v kuhinji naju je že čakala topla kokošja juha in dunajski zrezki.
Naslednji dan smo si vsi skupaj šli ogledat Nyiracsad, njihovo šolo in okolico. Med sprehajanjem po vasi smo si ogledali še tudi lokostrelstvo na konju, ki je hobi učiteljice angleščine v Nyiracsadu in njene družine. Potem smo se še lahko malce razgibali v telovadnici, kjer smo igrali odbojko proti madžarski ekipi. V šoli pa nas je tudi čakala pogostitev, kjer smo lahko poskusili njihovo tradicionalno sadno juho.
Naslednje jutro (v torek) smo se odpravili v Egger – eno izmed večjih madžarskih mest. Tam je sledil ogled cerkva, gradu in univerze. Sledil je še ogled goric in kleti, kjer hranijo znano madžarsko vino.
Med vožnjami smo se že spoznavali z učenci iz drugih držav. Najbolj smo se družile s Špankama Diano in Gemmo, nekaj besed pa sem tudi izmenjala z Lukasom iz Nemčije.
Pri družini gostiteljici smo si veliko povedali o običajih Slovenije in Madžarske ter se še  za povrh kaj pošalili. Na tisti dan sta naj še obiskali Niki in Virag, pri kateri je stanovala Niki. Tudi takrat smo se veliko smejale, ker smo Marti in Virag skušale naučiti nekaj slovenskih besed.
V sredo je napočil dolgo pričakovan izlet v Budimpešto. Vstati smo že morali ob šestih zjutraj, saj je pot do Budimpešte trajala dolgo. Ko smo prispeli tja, smo si najprej malo razgledali okolico. Nato smo šli v nekakšen grad in seveda Trg herojev. Sledilo je kosilo v italijanski restavraciji, kjer smo se spoznali z učenci iz Turčije. Nato smo si še ogledali notranjost največje cerkve v Budimpešti. Seveda smo tudi videli parlament in nakupovalne centre. Potem smo si še ogledali znamenito katedralo, ki je zgrajena na hribu, in iz nje imamo čudovit pogled nad celotno Budimpešto. Pri tej katedrali smo se lahko tudi pokrepčali s kürtis kolacs-em. Vodička nam je tudi razložila, da se mesto Budimpešta deli na dva dela: na Budim in Pešto. V mestu Budim lahko vidimo bolj cerkve, trgovinice itd. Mesto Pešta pa je bolj namenjeno stanovanjem in hišam. Ti dve mesti loči reka Donava, povezujeta ju pa dva mosta. Enega je celo konstruiral slavni arhitekt Eiffel. Vožnja je bila precej zanimiva, kajti spoznavali smo se tudi s slovaškimi učenci.
Domov smo se vrnili precej pozno, zato ni bilo veliko časa za preživetje z družino gostiteljico.
V četrtek je sledil izlet v Nyigerhazo, kjer smo si ogledali okolico, semenišče in živalski vrt. Kosili smo v tamkajšnji osnovni šoli. Po ogledu Nyigerhaze smo šle z Niki in Stašo še na prijetno druženje z ostalimi učenci v picerijo. Sledila je še zaključna prireditev v šoli, kjer so se učenci predstavili z igranjem na citre. Lahko smo pa tudi izkusili naše plesne sposobnosti, saj smo plesali čardaš.
V petek smo šli še na zadnji izlet v Debrecen, ki je drugo največje mesto na Madžarskem. Tam smo si ogledali muzej in protestantsko cerkev. Na koncu smo še lahko šli po nakupih v nakupovalnem centru Forum. Takrat smo se tudi poslovili od učencev iz Slovaške. Ob prihodu domov sva s Stašo obiskali Niki in njeno družino gostiteljico.
Doma pri družini  je napočil čas pakiranja kovčkov za odhod v Slovenijo. Zvečer pa nama je še Marti izročila darila, kot zahvalo za bivanje pri njih. Takrat sem prejela mamino dolgo pričakovano »piros papriko«.
Naslednje jutro smo se morali posloviti in se odpraviti nazaj na pot, čeprav bi še vsi najraje ostali tam za kakšen teden.
Hvaležna sem, da sem lahko bila dejavna na mobilnosti in spoznala veliko prijateljev po celem svetu. Seveda je bilo zelo lepo tudi pri družini gostiteljici in upam, da bomo še naprej ostali v stikih.

Lana Ritlop, 9. razred


On the way

marec 2013

Comenius mobility in Hungary: 17.–23. 3. 2013

On Saturday, the 17th of March 2013, at eleven o’clock we started our trip to Hungary: Staša, Niki, teachers Melita, Mateja, Vesna and I. We said goodbye to our loved-ones at our school, put our luggage into the van, and then set off to Nyiracsad.
Our journey was quite long, as we travelled around six hours. Of course, it was not boring. There was a good atmosphere in the van. There was also quite a bit of laughter. During the way we saw some of the beauties of Hungary. We could hardly await our arrival in Nyiracsad. First we stopped in Debrecen, where our teachers left us, and then travelled for about 40 more minutes to our goal. Suddenly we came to Nyiracsad. There our host family were waiting for us. I and Staša were staying at the Terdiks. That evening we introduced ourselves, unpacked our luggage and there was a delicious chicken soup and a Wiener schnitzel waiting for us.
The next day, we all travelled to Nyiracsad, where we got to know the school and its surroundings. There are three religious present among the people: Roman-Catholic, Protestant and Greek Catholic. During the walk in the village we also saw archery on horse, which is actually a hobby of the English teacher in Nyiracsad and her family. After that we did some sports in the gym and played volleyball against the Hungarian students. After that we tried the traditional fruit soup.
The next morning (Tuesday) we went to Egger – one of the biggest Hungarian cities. There we saw churches, a castle and a university. Then followed an examination of vineyards and vine cellars, where Hungarian vine is kept.
During the ride we got to know the students from other countries. We talked the most with Diana and Gemma from Spain, and I also exchanged some words with Lukas from Germany.
At the host family’s house we talked a lot about traditions in Slovenia and Hungary and made some jokes. We also got a visit from Niki and Virag, the girl whose house Niki was staying at. We had a lot of fun, because we tried to teach Mart and Virag some Slovene words.
On Wednesday we went on the long awaited trip to Budapest. We had to get up at six o’clock, because the way to Budapest is quite long. When we got there, we first looked at some sight, visited a castle and the Square of the Heroes. Lunch at the Italian restaurant followed, where we also got to know the students from Turkey. We also saw the biggest church in Budapest. Besides this, we saw the parliament and some shopping centres. We also visited the cathedral on top of the hill, from where all Budapest can be seen. There we were offered kürtis kolacs. The guide explained that the city is divided into two parts: Buda and Pest. In the city Buda there are many churches, small shops, while in Pest there are more houses and flats. The cities are divided by the river Danube, while they are connected by two bridges. One was constructed by the famous architect Eiffel. The ride was interesting, as we also got to know the Slovak students.
We got home rather late, so there was no time to be spent with the host family.
On Thursday we went on a trip to Nyigerhazo, where we visited the seminary and the zoo. We had lunch at the local primary school. After doing sightseeing in Nyigerhazo we all went to a pizzeria. After that there was a festivity at school, where students presented themselves with playing on the cither. We also tried dancing the traditional folk dance csardasz.
On Friday we went on our last trip to Debrecen, the second largest city in Hungary. There we saw a museum and a Protestant church. At the end we were allowed to go shopping in the shopping centre Forum. There we said goodbye to the Slovak students. In the evening I and Staša visited Niki and her host family.
Back at the host family’s house I had to start packing my luggage for my return to Slovenia. In the evening Marti gave us presents. I got the “piros powdered pepper”, which my mum was awaiting at home.
The next morning we had to say goodbye and go home, although I wanted to stay a week or so longer.
I am grateful to be able to go on this mobility and to have the opportunity to get to know new friends around the world. Staying at the host family was wonderful and I hope we will stay in touch.

Lana Ritlop, 9. razred



marec 2013

Zjutraj smo se odpravili na pot na Madžarsko v Nyíracsád. Pot je bila dolga in naporna. Učiteljice so spale v Debrecenu. V Debrecen je po nas prišla učiteljica Gabriela, ki je podravnateljica šole Szent Piroska Görögkatolikus Általános. To šolo obiskujejo učenci, ki so nas gostovali. Z nami se je peljala do tja in tam so nas prišli iskat gostitelji. Jaz sem bila pri deklici Váraljai Virág, ki hodi v 5. razred. Tam smo povečerjali in se spoznali. Spala sem v njeni sobi. Naslednji  dan so nam pripravili dobrodošlico v šoli. Lepo so nam jo razkazali in videli smo, kako sodelujejo pri pouku. Šli smo si ogledat tudi lokostrelstvo na konjih in več cerkva. Naslednji dan nas je čakal izlet v Eger. To je zelo lepo mesto. Tam smo si ogledali znamenitosti in tam tudi kosili. Ogledali smo si grad, cerkve in na koncu še vinske kleti. Naslednji dan pa nas je čakala še napornejša pot. Peljali smo se namreč v Budimpešto, glavno mesto Madžarske. Ogledali smo si trg herojev, parlament, cerkve in grad. Najlepše je bilo, ko smo dobili kaj prostega časa in si lahko po svoje ogledovali znamenitosti. Veliko smo se fotografirali in se spoznavali z učenci iz drugih držav. Me smo se najbolj razumele z učenci iz Španije in mlajšimi učenci iz Turčije. Tam smo kosili v restavraciji Pri Italijanu. Jedli smo špagete in tiramisu. Dan nam je hitro minil. Naslednji dan pa smo se odpravili v Nyíregyháza. Ta dan mi je bil zelo všeč. Obiskali smo šolo in tam spoznali majhne ljubke učence. Tista šola je imela svoj bazen in tam smo tudi kosili. Imeli smo tudi prosti čas in smo šli malo po trgovinah. Odpravili smo se v živalski vrt in tam so nas zabavale vse mogoče vrste živali. Ko so prišli nazaj v šolo, smo tam mali poslovilno predstavo in dobili smo majhna darilca. V petek, en dan pred odhodom domov, smo si ogledali še cerkve in druge znamenitosti. Večer je napočil dan za pakiranje in naslednji dan smo se poslovili od družin in se odpravili na pot domov. Mobilnost na Madžarskem je bila odlična izkušnja.

Niki Cigan, 9. razred



marec 2013

In the morning we started our journey to Hundary, to Nyíracsád. The journey was long and tiresome. The teachers were staying in Debrecen. The teacher Gabriela, who is the assistant director of the school Szent Piroska Görögkatolikus Általános, took us to Nyíracsád. This school is visited by students who were our hosts. I was staying at Váraljai Virág, who is attending the 5th class. There we had dinner and got to know us better. I was sleeping in her rooms.
The next day the students and teachers welcomed us at the school. They showed us the school and we also observed the classes. We watched the archery on horse show and then several churches.
The next day we went on a trip to Eger. It is a very beautiful city. We saw the sights there and then had lunch. We saw a castle, some churches and in the end, some vine cellars.
The following day was very exhausting. We travelled to Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. We saw the Square of Heroes, parliament, some churches and a castle. The best part was going sightseeing on our own. We took a lot of pictures and got to know the students from other countries. We got along very well with the Spanish and Turkish students. We had lunch at an Italian restaurant. We ate spaghetti and tiramisu. The day passed quickly.
The next day, we went to Nyíregyháza. I liked this day a lot. We visited the school and saw some young, adoring students. The school had its own pool. We had lunch in the school. After that we had some free time and went shopping. We also went to a zoo, where different animals entertained us. When we came back to school, there was a farewell ceremony for us. We also got small presents.
On Friday, the day before leaving, we saw some more churches and other sights.
In the evening, it was time to pack the luggage. The next day, we said goodbye to our host families and travelled home. The mobility in Hungary was a wonderful experience.

Niki Cigan, 9. razred


Comenius Project Meeting in Germany

december 2012

When our teacher told us that we would participate at the Comenius project meeting in Germany, I and my classmate got really happy. We could not believe that it was us two, who would go to the first meeting.
Soon came the day when we set out to travel to Bogen. We started at 8 and drove by car to Vienna airport. Then we checked-in our luggage.
It was the first flight for me and my classmate and so we were both a little bit scared, while also full of expectations.  The flight was interesting, for you could see whole cities and landscapes.
The flight passed quickly and soon we landed in Munich. There we met Mr Alfons and the Polish participants in the project.
From there we travelled by bus to a railway station and then we travelled by train to Bogen, where our host families were waiting for us. They took us home and we settled in nicely.
On Thursday our hosts took us to school where we were nicely greeted by other students. They showed us the school and after that we joined the lessons. Later we took a walk to the Bogenberg, where we visited a museum and then went to a restaurant.
On Friday we visited the mayor, who welcomed us at the Town hall. We ate at the Greek restaurant Delphi. After lunch we travelled by train to Straubing, where we visited the Turkish community. There the guide explained the purpose of all the things in the Muslim praying room. After this, we had some free time in the city.
Already it was Saturday. We travelled by train to Passaus – the city of three rivers – where we listened to a concert of the biggest organ in the world. Then we had lunch – typical Bavarian food. The most interesting part was sightseeing by a boat on the river Danube. We also saw the meeting point of the three rivers and the city Passau.
On Sunday we spent a day with our host families. We first went to a fair and then to the Bavarian forest. Unfortunately the fog ruined our plans in the Bavarian forest.
Like on almost every day, our day started with coming to school. First we wrote stories about the project meeting, while we also had a lot of time and got to know other participants of the meeting. Later, we saw a performance by the school orchestra, the dance groups and the school choir. Very interesting was also the Turkish performance in their national costume.
Unfortunately the week in Bogen past really quickly and Tuesday was at hand. First we said goodbye to our host and then to our new friends from other countries. I was sad, but also happy, for I already missed my home and my friends at home.

Anja Marton, class 8


Comenius Project Meeting in Germany

december 2012

Every year, our school participates in different projects. This year it is the same. One of these projects is also the Comenius project, in which our school has worked a few times. The first meeting of this project was in Germany. In the town called Bogen. I and my classmate were chosen to go to this meeting. We were very happy. Finally, the day of departure came. My classmate and I were in school very early and said goodbye to all the friends at the school. And then we sat in the car and started driving. Our first longer stop was in Vienna where we had an excellent lunch prepared by aunt of our teacher miss Katja. After lunch we drove to the airport, checked-in our luggage and checked out the airport building. Free time at the airport passed very quickly, because me and my classmate both couldn’t wait to see Bogen. We boarded the plane. For me and classmate, it was the first flight in our lives. After 30 minutes of flying they served us a sandwich and a drink. Suddenly the plane started to descend and we arrived in Munich. There was even a bigger airport. We took our suitcases and went slowly to the other end of the airport. There we meet with Mr Alfons, teachers and students from Poland. We still had to wait for the students and teachers from Turkey. After almost 1 hour of waiting we found out, that the Turkish flight was late. So we went to the bus station, where we waited for a bus. Then we drove to the railway station, and then with the train to Bogen. In Bogen at the railway station our host were waiting for us. After arriving home I immediately went to sleep, because it was a very long day for me. The next day we had to get up really early and then drive with our hosts to school. At the beginning Mr Alfons welcomed us and showed us the school. Then we went to the class with the students. This was followed by lunch and a hike to a nearby hill Bogenberg. For the four of us, me, my classmate and two teachers from Slovenia, who are not used to hills, it was a little bit hard. The view on the top of Bogenberg was truly unique. We visited the museum and the church on Bogenberg. On the way down the hill we stopped at a restaurant and ate some ice cream and drank hot tea. After driving to our temporary home, we had a little more time to chat with our hosts. That night I was awake very long, so it was even harder to get up the next morning. Also on Friday we drove to school with our hosts, then we visited the City Hall, where we met with the Mayor. We also had a group photo taken.
After a visit to the mayor’s, we drove by train to Straubing. Because we were already very hungry, we had lunch at the Greek restaurant Delphi. We had some free time for shopping. In the evening we went back to Bogen again by train. And already it was here Saturday. On this day we went to Passau. In the morning we drove by train to Passau. Then we walked on foot to the church, where we later listened to an organ concert. That day we had free time too. The most interesting thing about this day was absolutely the journey by boat on the Danube. The day was almost finished and already it was time to drive back to Bogen.
Sunday was the day we spent together with our hosts. At first I and my host had lunch, and then we went to the Glasdorf. There we ate very good cakes.
Our project week was slowly ending and it was Monday all ready. This was the last day in Bogen. At school the hosts prepared a short program for us, the school orchestra, choir, dancers and the Turkish students performed. They prepared a small gift for each of us. The last time we went by train to Straubing and had free time for shopping.
This day was very long for me, because after I had come from Straubing I still had to pack my bags and get a good sleep. But I didn’t sleep well. Now, our project week really ended. On Tuesday, at half past eleven we were waiting for the school bus, which drove us to the airport in Munich. There we said goodbye to our Polish friends and waited for our flight. At the airport in Vienna our teacher’s uncle was waiting for us and drove us to the teacher’s aunt, which made some pizza for us. With full tummies we drove back to Slovenia. Around half past ten we arrived home.
I will surely not forget this meeting in Bogen, because there were too many beautiful moments.

Martina Korošec, class 8






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